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Management of public lands, and who should have access to them, is often contentious. Most ranches in the western US rely upon seasonal grazing access...
Read moreAgricultural management intensity and landscape heterogeneity act as the main drivers of biodiversity loss in agricultural landscapes while also deter...
Read moreTwo solutions, at opposite ends of a continuum, have been proposed to limit negative impacts of human agricultural demand on biodiversity. Under land ...
Read moreThe global trade of species promotes diverse human activities but also facilitates the introduction of potentially invasive species into new environme...
Read moreHuge tracts of tropical forest are selectively logged. Meanwhile, emerging global agendas are providing unprecedented incentives for large-scale resto...
Read moreAgroforestry systems are refuges for biodiversity and provide multiple ecosystem functions and services. Diverse multispecies shade tree canopies are ...
Read moreIn agriculture, winter cover crop (WCC) residues are incorporated into the soil to improve soil quality, as gradual litter decomposition can improve f...
Read moreIntensive cropping systems select for a low diversity of weeds tolerant of chemical control, leading to persistent weed-crop competition and declining...
Read moreA recent drying trend that is expected to continue in the southwestern US underscores the need for site-specific and near real-time understanding of v...
Read moreRapid growth of the world's human population has increased pressure on landscapes to deliver high levels of multiple ecosystem services, including foo...
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