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The success of locally applied treatments for exotic weed control depends on the effectiveness of the method used and workers' abilities to find plant...
Read moreThe role of spatial processes in ecotoxicology is largely ignored. Yet, together with species-specific sensitivities to the pollutant, spatial process...
Read moreThere is a growing appreciation for the value of collaborative research projects involving local Indigenous and visiting non-Indigenous researchers. E...
Read moreEscalating conflicts between grassland farming and wintering geese in northern Germany stimulated a long-term study in order to promote a fair and wor...
Read moreOwing to the detrimental impacts of invasive alien species, their control is often a priority for conservation management. Whereas the potential for u...
Read morePollination is a vital ecosystem service, which is endangered by the ongoing declines of pollinators. These declines also affect bumblebees (Bombus sp...
Read moreTop-down regulation of ecosystems by large herbivores is a topic of active debate between scientists and managers, and a prime example is the interact...
Read moreNutrient limitation (mostly N or P) is a driving force in ecosystem development. Current techniques to determine the nature of nutrient limitation use...
Read moreMoose (Alces alces) is the most important game species in Sweden and the fall-out after the Chernobyl accident has severely affected hunting of this a...
Read moreThe potential of the seed bank and the seed rain to promote the re-establishment of chalk grassland vegetation was investigated on an ex-arable site w...
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