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Ecological assessments of the effects of hydropower plants (HPPs) are often limited to aspects of entrainment, mortality, injuries, and passage of fis...
Read moreUnderstanding why some, but not other, plant communities are vulnerable to alien invasive species is essential for predicting and managing biological ...
Read moreDescribes an experiment in which three burns, preliminary slashing [cutting by machete 2-3 ft. above ground], and browsing by goats were combined betw...
Read moreThe risk of pest damage in forest monocultures is a growing concern as the area of plantation forest expands worldwide and sustainable management is b...
Read moreThe canopy of a Tarchonanthus/Acacia thicket on Kenya grazing land was opened up by a series of controlled burns. Two burns killed >50% of the orig...
Read moreIn field tests with fenuron pellets, Commiphora spp. and broad.leaved shrubs (Maytenus putter. lickioides, Premna oligotricha and Tarchonanthus campho...
Read moreThe possibility of preventing severe slug damage to oilseed rape by applying metaldehyde solely on wildflower strips adjacent to the crop was studied....
Read moreNeonicotinoids are now the most widely used insecticides in the world. They act systemically, travelling through plant tissues and protecting all part...
Read moreThe encroachment of woody plants into grasslands, open woodlands and savannah has been widely reported over the past few decades. Overgrazing is a pro...
Read moreEcosystem invasibility is determined by combinations of environmental variables, invader attributes, disturbance regimes, competitive abilities of res...
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