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The conversion of tropical forests to farmland is a key driver of the current extinction crisis. With the present rate of deforestation unlikely to su...
Read moreDisturbances are frequent events across the Canadian boreal forest and can affect both below- and above-ground ecosystem processes. How disturbances c...
Read moreGlobal wetland loss means constructed urban wetlands are an increasingly valuable resource for conservation. However, priorities for managing urban we...
Read moreEstimates of space use derived from animal tracking studies are often biased by where animals are tagged, with areas distant to the tagging site, in b...
Read moreMost fish stocks world-wide are fished at maximum sustainable yield (MSY) or overfished, as many fisheries management strategies have failed to achiev...
Read moreShea Vitellaria paradoxa trees bear fruit and seeds of considerable economic, nutritional and cultural value in the African Sudano-Sahelian zone. In m...
Read moreReliable and accurate biodiversity census methods are essential for monitoring ecosystem health and assessing potential ecological impacts of future d...
Read moreHabitat fragmentation may affect species distributions through, for example, altered resource availability and shifts in species interactions. Fragmen...
Read more1. Establishment of protected areas to maintain biodiversity requires identification, prioritization and management of stressors that may undermine co...
Read moreThe research gap between rangeland/livestock science and conservation biology/vegetation ecology has led to a lack of evidence needed for grazing-rela...
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