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Recognizing the factor(s) that caused a demographic crash is a prerequisite to the development of a tailored population restoration plan. While habita...
Read morePhytoremediation is a promising technique for removing or stabilizing metal ions from metallic trace elements (MTEs) contaminated soils. Despite the s...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectiondeThis link goes to a Deutsche section Human intervention often alters the availability of habitat for biodiversi...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionfrThis link goes to a French section Efforts to mitigate the climate crisis result in a green-green dilemma: the ...
Read moreUntil very recently there have been no digital data from satellites for studying events that occur at scales of 10-1000 m2 over large areas (100-100 0...
Read more1. There is increasing demand to expand the extent of native woodland in the UK, to tackle both climate change and biodiversity crises. In general, th...
Read more1. Newly created and young woodlands often lack important attributes that contribute to a well-functioning woodland ecosystem. Active management can a...
Read moreSoft-bottomed intertidal flats are essential foraging areas for shorebirds but are severely impacted by threats such as coastal development and climat...
Read moreMaintenance of ecological integrity and biodiversity must be based on well-grounded principles of disturbance ecology. However, non-equilibrium aspect...
Read moreWhere populations are confined to fragmented, human-dominated landscapes, preventing declines and extirpations will often rely on metapopulation manag...
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