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Ecological restoration is one of the most promising strategies to combat historical wetland losses caused by land use changes. Restored areas are idea...
Read moreConservation decisions must be made with limited funding and incomplete information. Ecological surveys can help reduce uncertainty and, in turn, pote...
Read moreHigh-altitude ecosystems of the Tibetan Plateau are undergoing significant global changes that may stimulate an intense shrub encroachment. The occurr...
Read moreFlowering crops are heavily managed during bloom to both promote pollination and prevent disease. Disease management practices can alter the floral mi...
Read moreLand degradation is a major threat to food security in Sub Saharan Africa. Low infiltration rates in degraded soils increase the risk of surface runof...
Read moreFarmland biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate and various conservation measures have been implemented to reverse this negative trend. Farmste...
Read moreMarine soundscapes provide important navigational cues to dispersing larvae in search of suitable habitat. Yet, widespread habitat loss has degraded m...
Read moreUnderstanding the causes of population variation in host response to disease, and the mechanisms of persistence, can serve as vital information for sp...
Read moreInformed conservation and management of wildlife require sufficient monitoring to understand population dynamics and to direct conservation actions. B...
Read morePlanned burning generates different types of pyrodiversity, however, experimental tests of how alternative spatial patterns of burning influence anima...
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