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Under the Bonn Challenge, the government of Malawi committed to reforest over 30% of the country by 2030, but at least in the south, few trees planted...
Read moreThis Perspective, as Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers and practitioners working in partnership under Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Wait...
Read moreThis paper summarizes a study which aims to explore new ways to measure cultural benefits in Riverside Park, an urban park in Southampton, UK. As peop...
Read moreThis paper focuses on the essential role of tropical forests and peatlands in wildlife conservation, preventing dangerous climate change and promoting...
Read moreThis paper reviews the steps taken within Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to come to conclusions on the significance of environmental impact. Re...
Read moreThis paper focuses on the importance of some culturally important species (CIS), which should be regarded as a highly relevant aspect of conservation ...
Read moreThis study was conducted to determine the underlying reasons behind gamekeeper decisions in predator management in the UK, based on 20 one-to-one disc...
Read moreThe beaver (Castor fiber) reintroduction which started in Scotland, UK, in 2008 was studied to understand if and how the reintroduction developed into...
Read moreGlobally, soil water repellency is a major constraint to plant establishment, restricting water infiltration and moisture retention in the seed zone w...
Read moreThere is a global need for observation systems that deliver regular, timely data on state and trends in biodiversity, but few have been implemented, a...
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