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Current efforts to model population dynamics of high-value tropical timber species largely assume that individual growth history is unimportant to pop...
Read moreCatchment-scale effects of forestry practices alter stream physical structures and influence composition and abundance of benthic communities. Looking...
Read moreResearch in agricultural ecosystems is uncovering how the management of crop fields leads to the delivery of transgenic crop residues to adjacent wate...
Read moreLinear features associated with transportation and riparian corridors are known to inhibit the mobility of birds and other wildlife, yet the factors c...
Read moreThere is an urgent need for climate change mitigation, of which the promotion of renewable energy, such as from wind farms, is an important component....
Read moreAssessing changes in species range is based on identifying new occurrences in areas where absence has been inferred due to lack of previous records. T...
Read moreThe annual release of hatchery-bred larvae into naturally reproducing fish populations (enhancement stocking) is used commonly to increase native popu...
Read moreCarnivores are difficult to conserve because of direct and indirect competition with people. Public hunts are increasingly proposed to support carnivo...
Read morePart II: P. ulmi hatched 4-5 weeks before B. angulatus, and in years when the predator severely checked the mite predation was effective at the beginn...
Read moreFertilization with a sewage sludge fertilizer containing 10-6-4 NPK increased the total peak standing crops of salt marsh vegetation, despite the pres...
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