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Coastal salt marshes are threatened by erosion from storminess and sea level rise, with resulting losses in flood protection, wildlife and recreationa...
Read moreThe identification of geographic areas where the densities of animals are highest across their annual cycles is a crucial step in conservation plannin...
Read moreUncovering the plant-soil feedback mechanisms underlying the assembly of belowground microbial communities is essential for terrestrial biodiversity c...
Read moreUnsustainable fishing is a major driver of change in marine ecosystems. The ways that fishing gears target fishes with different ecological functions ...
Read moreMarine protected areas (MPAs) can be effective tools for marine resource management. However, despite evidence of the positive effects of MPAs, such a...
Read moreRestoration of degraded ecosystems may take decades or even centuries. Accordingly, information about the current direction and speed of recovery prov...
Read moreZoonotic pathogens can harm human health and well-being directly or by impacting livestock. Pathogens that spillover from wildlife can also impair con...
Read moreThe spatial structure of host communities is expected to constrain pathogen spread. However, predators and/or scavengers may connect distant host (sub...
Read moreFreshwater fisheries are complex social-ecological systems spatially structured by coupled feedbacks between people and nature. Spatial exploitation d...
Read moreA key challenge in conservation biology is that not all species are equally likely to go extinct when faced with a disturbance, but there are multiple...
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