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In South Africa, 472 species of phytophagous insects and mites on 121 species of crop and ornamental plants there were evaluated according to their pe...
Read moreThe following is based almost entirely on the author's summary of this account of investigations in southern England in 1957-58. The numbers of Brevic...
Read moreThe performance of 3 populations of Phytoptus chondrillae G. Can. (Aceria chondrillae), a mite that had been introduced into Australia for the biologi...
Read moreRoads provide suitable conditions for the establishment and growth of exotic species. Most roads are bordered by drainage ditches forming a network of...
Read moreGene flow from transgenic crops to feral populations and naturalized compatible relatives has been raised as one of the main issues for the deregulati...
Read moreIn a growth chamber experiment, an additive series design was used to test the ability of 3 replacement species (Trifolium pratense, T. repens and Epi...
Read moreGrasslands are among the most imperilled ecosystems worldwide, and many have experienced degradation due to the loss of historical disturbance regimes...
Read moreThe composition of agro-ecological landscapes is thought to have important implications for the production of major crops through its effects on polli...
Read moreThe biocomplexity approach refers to a fully integrated social-ecological systems (SES) simulation that represents bidirectional feedbacks between soc...
Read moreSowing is a well-established restoration technique to overcome dispersal limitation. Seed mixtures adapted to certain environmental conditions, like s...
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