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Pollination is an ecosystem service that directly contributes to agricultural production, and can therefore provide a strong incentive to conserve nat...
Read moreInsecticide usage is steadily increasing, implying an ongoing threat of sublethal exposure for non-target organisms in habitats close to farmland. The...
Read morePesticide concentrations are correlated with regional declines in stream invertebrate diversity. Experimental studies have identified that pesticides ...
Read moreBee-friendly plants are defined by the quantity of food they produce and the visitation rates of adult insects foraging for nectar. However, it is pol...
Read moreContinuous availability of food resources, such as pollen, is vital for many insects that provide pollination and pest control services to agriculture...
Read moreIt is generally thought that the intensification of farming will result in higher disease prevalences, although there is little specific modelling tes...
Read moreCombining several crop species and associated agricultural practices in a crop sequence has the potential to control weed abundance while promoting we...
Read moreModern intensive agriculture relies heavily on pesticides to control weeds, pathogens and insect pests. Forecasting and managing the impact of pests a...
Read moreConventional farming has been implicated in global biodiversity and pollinator declines and organic farming is often regarded as a more ecological alt...
Read moreRice hoppers can cause devastation to rice crops in SE Asia via disease spread and direct feeding. Current regulation is through pesticides; however, ...
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