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Predicting how increasing rates of global trade will result in new establishments of potentially damaging invasive species is a question of critical i...
Read moreSpatial management of invasive species is more likely to be successful when multiple locations are treated simultaneously. However, selecting the best...
Read moreInvasive species may have devastating impacts on native biota. Cane toads Rhinella marina continue to invade northern Australia and the consequences f...
Read morePerennial bioenergy systems, such as switchgrass and restored prairies, are alternatives to commonly used annual monocultures such as maize. Perennial...
Read moreThe eruption of invasive wild pigs (IWPs) Sus scrofa throughout the world exemplifies the need to understand the influences of exotic and nonnative sp...
Read moreOne of the main targets of river regulation with dams and dykes is the stabilization of highly fluctuating water tables. While there is information ab...
Read moreOffshore windfarms require construction procedures that minimize impacts on protected marine mammals. Uncertainty over the efficacy of existing guidel...
Read moreA mathematical relationship between fox home range size and population density was derived from the literature and combined with behavioural data on m...
Read moreYellowhammer Emberiza citrinella populations have declined rapidly in the UK over recent decades, and a clear understanding of their habitat requireme...
Read moreChanges in land use are the primary cause of decline for many plant species. Efficient management actions for such species must be based on knowledge ...
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