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This report presents the results of an expert led assessment that refines the understanding of the sensitivity of habitats to climate change. Using th...
Read moreConservation issues and a potential role in disease transmission generate the continued need to census Eurasian badgers Meles meles, but direct counts...
Read moreThe report at hand (including a comprehensive annex of data) serves as additional document to the National Inventory Report (NIR) on the German green ...
Read more1. Pollination services of cacao are crucial for global chocolate production, yet remain critically understudied, particularly in regions of origin of...
Read moreA phycitid moth, Cactoblastis cactorum, was released in Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa, during 1988 in an attempt to control O. stricta biol...
Read moreTo improve conservation outcomes and move towards a 'predator-free New Zealand', we need new pest control technologies. Our growing knowledge of the c...
Read moreTiger (Panthera tigris) is an indicator species of ecological health and conservation efforts. Due to poaching and other causes, the tiger became loca...
Read moreReforestation initiatives are underway across the world. However, we know relatively little about the ecological consequences of creating and restorin...
Read moreIllegal bushmeat trade is a significant driver of the decline in wildlife populations within the tropics. Despite the intense trade of bushmeat in Cam...
Read moreNatural colonisation could provide a cost-effective means to increase woodland coverage across the UK uplands. However, there is a shortage of evidenc...
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