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Large increases in the generation of electricity using marine renewable energy (MRE) are planned, and assessment of the environmental impacts of novel...
Read moreLoss of short-wave radiation by reflection from an irrigated maize crop grown for forage averaged 0.18 of the incident total short-wave radiation rece...
Read moreThe only breeding population of the endangered Florida panther Puma concolor coryi is restricted to <5% of its historic range in South Florida, but...
Read moreThe adult life-span and the factors affecting egg production in Pieris rapae (L.) (especially age, temperature and solar radiation) were investigated ...
Read moreLong-term observations of eta , the ratio of PAR to total solar radiation, are reported for Dar es Salaam (7 deg S.). The records for very clear perio...
Read moreThe foliage areas exposed to direct sunlight, or shaded from it by other foliage, can be calculated for any particular foliage-area index given the in...
Read moreRiparian trees regulate aquatic ecosystem processes, such as inputs of light, organic matter and nutrients, that can be altered dramatically when thes...
Read moreThe foliage areas exposed to direct sunlight, or shaded from it by other foliage, can be calculated for any particular foliage-area index given the in...
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