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Null balance diffusion porometers were used to estimate the variation of stomatal conductance (gs) in a Sitka spruce plantation. Samples were stratifi...
Read moreThe ecological development of reclaimed coal mine waste near the timberline in southeastern British Columbia was examined by comparing six sites reveg...
Read moreRoads are an important conduit for the spread of invasive species. Road age is a key factor that could influence the susceptibility of roads to invasi...
Read moreForest clearance is a pervasive disturbance worldwide, but many of its impacts are regarded as transient, diminishing in intensity as forest recovers....
Read moreFor 5 plantation stands (age 7-56 yr) in the Kalimpong forest district in the hills of Darjeeling, data are presented on the age transition of nodules...
Read moreMore than half way towards the deadline for 2020 Aichi targets, a key question is whether the metapopulation dynamics of dispersal-restricted habitat ...
Read moreTropical conservation strategies traditionally focus on large tracts of pristine forests but, given rapid primary forest decline, understanding the ro...
Read moreIn northern Scandinavia, there are indications of a long-term decline in the abundance of the three dominant vole species, Clethrionomys glareolus, C....
Read moreReforestation initiatives are underway across the world. However, we know relatively little about the ecological consequences of creating and restorin...
Read moreEven-aged silviculture based on short-rotation clearcuts had severely altered boreal forests. Silvicultural alternatives (e.g. continuous cover or ret...
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