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Agri-environment schemes (AES) are used extensively across Europe to address biodiversity declines in farmland. In England, Environmental Stewardship ...
Read moreMany rangelands evolved under an interactive disturbance regime in which grazers respond to the spatial pattern of fire and create a patchy, heterogen...
Read morePlant community succession has been a major area of study over the past century with recent research focusing on the importance of initial colonisers ...
Read moreThere is increasing evidence that passive faunal recolonisation of restored areas can take decades or even centuries, reducing benefits to biodiversit...
Read moreAlien invasive species (AIS) are one of the major causes of biodiversity loss and global homogenization. Once an AIS becomes established, costs of con...
Read moreA study was conducted on golf putting greens in Surrey, UK to determine whether arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have any potential for the reduction...
Read moreEight populations of malaria vectors in Kenya were sampled over 3 years. Each population was sampled for up to one month. Relative density, parous rat...
Read moreThe distribution of oviposition sites of Simulium posticatum on the banks of the River Stour, UK, was studied in relation to a local medical problem c...
Read moreHuman activities can affect the behaviour and fitness of wildlife. However, the response of animals to nonlethal human activities has not been well-st...
Read moreReintroduction programmes are an important tool for the conservation of threatened and endangered carnivores, but their effectiveness has rarely been ...
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