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The canopy of a Tarchonanthus/Acacia thicket on Kenya grazing land was opened up by a series of controlled burns. Two burns killed >50% of the orig...
Read moreIn field tests with fenuron pellets, Commiphora spp. and broad.leaved shrubs (Maytenus putter. lickioides, Premna oligotricha and Tarchonanthus campho...
Read moreThe possibility of preventing severe slug damage to oilseed rape by applying metaldehyde solely on wildflower strips adjacent to the crop was studied....
Read moreThe effect of cover (intersown clover or lettuce or artificial material) on egg populations of Delia brassicae (Wied.) on cabbage crops was investigat...
Read more(1). Conservation decisions are typically constrained by the availability of published evidence. Practitioners and non-academic experts often possess ...
Read moreSpring-fed wetlands are nested within California's oak savanna-annual grassland, which is considered a non-equilibrium-type system because it shows li...
Read moreIt is widely accepted that combining several control options into integrated pest management strategies is the most effective way to provide long-term...
Read moreTo estimate the effects of autumn clipping or burning on the foraging behaviour of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) and cattle, trials were se...
Read moreEchium plantagineum is native to the western Mediterranean Basin, where it is a common, but not dominant, component of species-rich annual grasslands....
Read moreClimate change, in combination with the impacts of land use, will give rise to new opportunities for grassland invasion. This paper reports on the rep...
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