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In a context of increasing human impact on ecosystems and species distributions, population restoration (introductions, reintroductions, reinforcement...
Read moreUnderstanding the impacts of invasive species on natural ecosystems is an important component of developing management strategies. Habitat-forming inv...
Read moreIn studies in a 60- to 90-year-old stand on dry sandy soil in western Finland, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees that had been defoliated by the pin...
Read moreEcological theories suggest that higher plant genetic diversity can increase productivity in natural ecosystems. So far, varietal mixtures, that is, t...
Read moreThe magnitude of drought and dieback was examined using the rainfall records for Queensland and historical records of dieback. Tree dieback was examin...
Read moreIntensifying agricultural production in sustainable ways is pivotal to increasing food production while reducing environmental impacts. Ecological int...
Read moreConservation management to protect coastal ecosystems sometimes overlooks site-specific fine-scale heterogeneity. For example, while habitat loss is a...
Read moreWeed eradication efforts often must be sustained for long periods owing to the existence of persistent seed banks, among other factors. Decision maker...
Read moreSamples of a moss (Hypnum cupressiforme) and of two lichens (Hypogymnia physodes, Lecanora conizaeoides) were collected from the trunks of beech (Fagu...
Read moreLivestock farming in Great Britain (GB) faces multiple pressures. Yet, grassland managed for livestock is the most extensive habitat in GB and is key ...
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