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Low-productivity forests are often the last remaining pristine forests in managed forest landscapes and typically overrepresented among protected fore...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionitThis link goes to a English sectiondeThis link goes to a Deutsche section Landscape context influences wild bee...
Read moreThe results of a restoration experiment carried out on a permanent grassland on peaty, heavy clay in the Netherlands are described. The experiment sta...
Read moreThe invasion of the Asian chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus (ACGW) in Europe has caused serious biological and economic impacts on chestnut sta...
Read moreResults from four field studies conducted in Germany showed that communities of trap-nesting bees and wasps (Vespidae) and their natural enemies are p...
Read moreIn the early 1990s, birch (Betula pubescens) forests in north-western Norway were damaged by the bud- and shoot-mining larvae of Argyresthia retinella...
Read moreAssuring future food productivity and security will require that better use is made of pest regulation provided by naturally occurring ecological serv...
Read moreThe following is based largely on the author's summary. In a pot experiment in New South Wales in 1963, second-instar larvae of the Melolonthid Rhopae...
Read moreForests world-wide are increasingly subject to natural and human disturbances, including wildfires and logging of varying intensity and frequency. Und...
Read moreNatural populations deliver a wide range of products that provide income for millions of people and need to be exploited sustainably. Large heterogene...
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