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Assessing the impacts of disturbance over large areas and long time periods is crucial for nature management, but also challenging since impacts depen...
Read moreUrban green areas contribute to climate change mitigation, support biodiversity and host a wide range of social values important for urban residents. ...
Read moreStingless beekeeping technology as an alternative livelihood in the Bicol region involves hunters, beekeepers, and assemblers of bee products. However...
Read moreThe population of the corncrake (Crex crex) in Britain and Ireland has been declining for more than a century. Corncrakes breed in hay and silage mead...
Read moreUnder the Bonn Challenge, the government of Malawi committed to reforest over 30% of the country by 2030, but at least in the south, few trees planted...
Read moreHumans have traded and transported alien species for millennia with two notable step-changes: the end of the Middle Ages and beginning of the Industri...
Read moreRoads are an important conduit for the spread of invasive species. Road age is a key factor that could influence the susceptibility of roads to invasi...
Read moreAvenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland World Health Organization = Organisation mondiale de la Santé County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2N...
Read moreThis report is one of a series of Marine Protected Area (MPA) monitoring reports delivered to Defra by the Marine Protected Areas Group (MPAG). The pu...
Read moreIt is widely accepted that combining several control options into integrated pest management strategies is the most effective way to provide long-term...
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