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The health of managed and wild honeybee colonies appears to have declined substantially in Europe and the United States over the last decade. Sustaina...
Read moreCurrent predictions about climate change and its impact on fire regimes have spurred research on how increasing fire frequencies will affect the popul...
Read moreAccording to the range limit hypothesis, the distribution of many temperate species is restricted by a trade-off between their capacity to survive win...
Read moreTo assess recovery of endangered species, reliable information on the size and density of the target population is required. In practice, however, thi...
Read moreSpatial scale of processes is necessary information to design appropriate ecosystem research and management. In-stream ecological processes are tightl...
Read moreThe encroachment of woody plants into grasslands, open woodlands and savannah has been widely reported over the past few decades. Overgrazing is a pro...
Read moreThe population of the corncrake (Crex crex) in Britain and Ireland has been declining for more than a century. Corncrakes breed in hay and silage mead...
Read moreThe distribution and dynamics of N and P were studied for two adjacent grazed and ungrazed areas of native grassland in the Flooding Pampa, Argentina,...
Read moreMountain hares (Lepus timidus) are summer grazers that switch to browse in winter, while rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) eat mostly grasses throughout...
Read moreApproximately half of the remaining Zanzibar red colobus,