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On resown hill pasture in NE Scotland, two grass/clover swards were continuously grazed by sheep to maintain sward heights of 3 and 5 cm from May to S...
Read moreIn field studies in the Drentse A nature reserve, Netherlands, standing crop and species composition of three different fields cut for hay were studie...
Read moreThe 2 sources of CO2 for canopy photosynthesis are the soil and the atmosphere. For a barley crop, calculations of root respiration rate based on meas...
Read moreRates of photosynthesis of leaves and ears were measured after anthesis in a field of barley cv. Proctor using a simple leaf chamber with polypropylen...
Read moreConservation professionals are familiar with value-driven research and practice. However, recent efforts to use strategic communication, specifically ...
Read moreForests provide an immense range of benefits to people, many of which are not prioritized by forest policy because they are difficult to quantify. Wil...
Read moreThe COVID-19 pandemic is an outstanding global threat for both human health and well-being. Under the pandemic, green spaces are known to mitigate the...
Read moreConcepts such as ecosystem services and nature's contributions to people are frameworks for articulating the value of nature and biodiversity conserva...
Read moreSuccessful conservation efforts have led to recent increases of large mammals such as European bison Bison bonasus, moose Alces alces and grey wolf Ca...
Read moreHow humans interact with nature affects the health of both people and ecosystems. Yet, long-term data on nature engagement are scarce because traditio...
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