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The individual and joint effectiveness of two biorational tactics (crop interference and the exploitation of negative cross-resistance to certain herb...
Read moreClimate change is already reducing carbon sequestration in Central European forests dramatically through extensive droughts and bark beetle outbreaks....
Read moreIntroduced species are, worldwide, one of the most serious threats to biodiversity. Grey squirrels Sciurus carolinensis are one of many introduced spe...
Read moreResults of recent research on Dactylopius opuntiae, a biological control agent for cactus weeds (Opuntia spp.) in South Africa and elsewhere, challeng...
Read moreThe effects of the following perturbations on populations of freshwater gastropods from a drainage channel in the Southeast area of Lewes Brooks, East...
Read moreMountain hares (Lepus timidus) are summer grazers that switch to browse in winter, while rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) eat mostly grasses throughout...
Read moreApproximately half of the remaining Zanzibar red colobus,
The dormancy of seeds of shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) in different soil structures during the 63-day period of establishment of a crop o...
Read moreIn studies on organochlorine residues in lakes of the Rift Valley, Kenya, 47% of the farms surveyed in the Nakuru catchment basin used either DDT or d...
Read moreSemi-natural habitats have been shaped by human disturbance regimes for centuries. Spatially and temporally heterogeneous land use practices, such as ...
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