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While reclamation of degraded landscapes is becoming increasingly common, few studies have investigated the long-term effects of reclamation efforts o...
Read moreThe long history of river regulation has resulted in extensively changed ecosystem structures and processes in rivers and their associated environment...
Read moreThe loss and human modification of wetlands worldwide underscores the importance of efficient management. For wetlands that provide habitats for non-b...
Read moreSeedling regeneration was studied in woodland composed mainly of oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea), alder (Alnus glutinosa), ash (Fraxinus excelsior)...
Read moreTwo experiments were used to investigate the relationship between feral pig density and the rate of lamb predation and the differential susceptibility...
Read moreA simulation model was used to evaluate the effect of different levels of culling on 6 badger social groups in an attempt to reduce or eradicate tuber...
Read moreDescribes an experiment in which three burns, preliminary slashing [cutting by machete 2-3 ft. above ground], and browsing by goats were combined betw...
Read moreToxicant resistance is a potential, or very real, problem with many pest control programmes worldwide. However, apart from rodents, pesticide resistan...
Read moreWeed beets pose a serious problem for sugarbeet Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera crops. Traditionally, the only efficient method of weed control has be...
Read moreUnderstanding the effects of red deer Cervus elaphus grazing on a range of plant communities is important for formulating guidelines for the managemen...
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