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Conventional farming has been implicated in global biodiversity and pollinator declines and organic farming is often regarded as a more ecological alt...
Read moreChanges in numbers of cereal aphids (mainly Sitobion avenae (F.) and Metopolophium dirhodum (Wlk.) but including also Rhopalosiphum padi (L.)) were me...
Read moreLand clearing for irrigated agriculture in the Sudan clay plains is urgently needed because the Roseires Dam is to be completed in 1967. Two different...
Read moreVine mealybug Planococcus ficus is an invasive pest of vineyards in many areas of the world. In California, USA, it infests all plant subunits and has...
Read moreForests are becoming increasingly fragmented world-wide, creating forest patches with reduced area and greater exposure to human land uses along fragm...
Read moreNatural outdoor environments provide important settings for children to engage in physical activity. It is unclear if these relationships also exist i...
Read moreIn field studies in Scotland, groups of non-lactating ewes and cows grazed together on 3 native grassland communities (Agrostis-Festuca, Nardus-Festuc...
Read moreThe foraging dynamics of the moose (Alces alces) were studied in trials near Umeå, Sweden in winter 1988-89 in the following artificial stands set up ...
Read moreThe introduction and further spread of many alien species have been a result of trade and transport. Consequently, alien species are often found close...
Read moreCereal/legume intercropping typically increases crop yield; however, the mechanisms through which soil microbes mediate overyielding in intercropping ...
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