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Although biodiversity loss is a critically important topic, our understanding of how both land abandonment and land-use intensification in semi-natura...
Read moreMultiple species are often exposed to a common hunting season, but harvest and population objectives may not be fully achieved if harvest potential va...
Read moreInvasive predators are a key driver of biodiversity decline, and effective predator management is an important conservation issue globally. The red fo...
Read moreIndividual- and species-level heterogeneity in contact rates can alter the ability of a pathogen to invade a host community. Many pathogens have multi...
Read moreThe 2017 Oak Symposium was convened in Knoxville, TN, to share knowledge on state-of-the-art management and research to improve sustainability of the ...
Read moreRising temperatures and variable precipitation events leading to droughts and floods will likely increase in frequency. We present climate models with...
Read moreEffective wildlife restoration is a critical requirement of many conservation actions. The outcome of conservation interventions can be optimized thro...
Read moreThe European smelt, Osmerus eperlanus is a small anadromous fish which largely occupies coastal and brackish waters and moves into freshwater for spaw...
Read moreThe Children's People and Nature Survey (CPaNS) is a social survey that collects information from children and young people (CYP) aged 8-15 years on t...
Read moreThis is a report to Natural England (NE) about the biological records for maerl held in the Seasearch database. The overarching intention is to explor...
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