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Breeding birds, vegetation and moorland management were surveyed in 320 1-km squares on 122 estates in upland areas of eastern Scotland and northern E...
Read moreMany species are adversely affected by human activities at large spatial scales and their conservation requires detailed information on distributions....
Read moreCarabid beetles are polyphagous predators that can act as biological control agents of insect pests and weeds. While current agricultural practices of...
Read moreWindblown dust, an environmental problem in many disturbed arid lands, has the potential to affect the physiological performance of desert shrubs. Phy...
Read moreCoastal salt-marshes in Great Britain are of both national and international significance for their breeding redshank Tringa totanus populations. Thes...
Read moreFarmland birds can suppress insect pests, but may also consume beneficial insects, damage crops and potentially carry foodborne pathogens. As bird com...
Read moreQuantifying current and future overlap between human activities and wildlife is a core and growing aim of ecological study, spurring ever more spatial...
Read moreBirds play many roles within agroecosystems including as consumers of crops and pests, carriers of pathogens and beloved icons. Birds are also rapidly...
Read moreInsecticide use and landscape context are major drivers for the abundance of beneficial arthropods, such as predators, parasitoids and pollinators. Ho...
Read moreAttempts to restore marine ecosystems are increasing, but the success of projects remains variable. For marine invertebrates, the establishment of sel...
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