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While the impact of climate change on crop yields has been extensively studied, the quantification of water shortages on irrigated crop yields has bee...
Read moreResource managers are under increasing pressure to prioritize conservation efforts by assessing climate risk for numerous species. Amphibians, fish, a...
Read moreOrganisms in coastal brackish ecosystems face not only highly variable environmental conditions, but the intensity and stochasticity of these environm...
Read moreThis paper attempts to mainstream climate change adaptation planning into on-going agricultural development programmes in India. A primary survey cond...
Read moreForest mortality related to climate change is an increasingly common global phenomenon. We provide a case study of the U.S. Southwest to investigate t...
Read moreThe loss of foundational but fire-intolerant perennials such as sagebrush due to increases in fire size and frequency in semi-arid regions has motivat...
Read moreSocial, economic and institutional factors and driving forces enhance or hinder the adaptation capacity of agricultural and pastoral households and co...
Read moreParticipatory research allows groups and individuals to reflect and decide on their societal issues together. Such research was employed in Tra Hat Cl...
Read moreThe combinations of trees, crops and animals in agroforestry systems are supposed to play a positive role in adapting to climate change at the farm, h...
Read moreThe stable delivery of ecosystem services provided by grasslands is strongly dependent on the stability of grassland ecosystem functions such as bioma...
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