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Smallholder farmers are some of the poorest and most food insecure people on Earth. Their high nutritional and economic reliance on home-grown produce...
Read moreIntercropping of white clover and cereals has recently been promoted for low-input farming systems because it offers several benefits for sustainabili...
Read moreThe use of beetle banks to conserve predatory beetles for the control of pest Diptera was studied in Washington, USA. Locally, the community of predat...
Read moreThe Australian Government is facing the considerable challenges to cut back greenhouse gas emissions to five percent under 2000 levels by the year 202...
Read moreFood intake, grazing behaviour and diet of red and western grey kangaroos were monitored as they progressively depleted an arid zone pasture from 1000...
Read moreDuring the winter of 1976-77, few pupae of Delia brassicae (Wied.) were removed by predators from either natural or introduced populations of pupae bu...
Read morePervasive and accelerating changes to ecosystems due to human activities remain major sources of uncertainty in predicting the structure and dynamics ...
Read moreBiological invasions represent a major threat to human health, ecosystem functioning and global biodiversity. Insect pests affecting agriculture and f...
Read moreThe soils and vegetation of horse tracks which passed through Pteridium aquilinum or Calluna vulgaris dominated sites, with underlying podsols, were s...
Read moreAgriculture is the most important sector of Somaliland's economy. In 2012, the sector contributed more than 40% of Somaliland's GDP - with the livesto...
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