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Diurnal lepidopteran and vegetational communities were surveyed on 18 reclaimed coal surface mines and 5 hardwood sites in Virginia during 1992 and 19...
Read moreThis paper addresses the following questions: (1) how do tree diversity and floristic composition vary in the floodplain forests?; (2) how much carbon...
Read moreOver 80% of pre-settlement Iowa was a prairie landscape, but conversion and neglect has reduced that to less than 0.1% of the original 30 million acre...
Read moreChanges in farming practice provide an opportunity to restore once extensive forested wetlands on agricultural land. In some parts of the world, howev...
Read moreIn a further study on the distribution of cereal aphids and their predators and parasites in southern England [see RAE/A 62, 500, 3133], the distribut...
Read moreIn Scottish upland, semi-natural oakwoods, natural regeneration of oak (Quercus petraea and Q. robur) is frequently lacking. This threatens the long-t...
Read moreScattered trees are thought to be keystone structures for biodiversity in landscapes world-wide. However, such trees have been largely neglected by re...
Read moreApplying nutrient-rich agricultural by-products, such as fruit peels and pulp, to degraded land has been proposed as a strategy to overcome a number o...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionnlThis link goes to a Dutch section Pest-regulating natural enemies often require crop and non-crop habitats to p...
Read moreIn field tests with fenuron pellets, Commiphora spp., Maytenus putterlickioides, Premna oligotricha, and Tarchonanthus camphoratus were mostly toleran...
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