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Since the mid-20th Century, Europe has experienced an unprecedented forest expansion associated with the abandonment of rural landscapes. Secondary fo...
Read moreConnectivity modelling tools are important for developing mitigation strategies to alleviate negative impacts on animal movement caused by road networ...
Read moreAgroforestry systems provide opportunities to reduce the trade-off between agricultural production and biodiversity, for example by enhancing a divers...
Read moreLinked demographic-bioclimatic models are emerging tools for forecasting climate change impacts on well-studied species, but these methods have been u...
Read moreEvidence-based conservation can benefit substantially from multiple knowledge sources and different knowledge systems. While traditional ecological kn...
Read moreIn Thailand, cardiovascular disease and mental health cause a large health and economic burden, with 10% of Thai adults and 32% of adolescents reporti...
Read moreSown or natural flower strips are a commonly used management practice in agroecosystems and have been demonstrated to increase the abundance of predat...
Read moreThe potential contribution of vertebrate predators to biological control in orchards has been largely overlooked to date. A few studies have shown tha...
Read moreSeedling regeneration was studied in woodland composed mainly of oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea), alder (Alnus glutinosa), ash (Fraxinus excelsior)...
Read moreThe population of the corncrake (Crex crex) in Britain and Ireland has been declining for more than a century. Corncrakes breed in hay and silage mead...
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