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Reliable estimates of population parameters are often necessary for conservation management but these are hard to obtain for elusive, rare and wide-ra...
Read moreA recent and controversial topic in landscape ecology is whether populations of species respond to habitat fragmentation in a general fashion. Empiric...
Read moreCorridors are commonly used to connect fragments of wildlife habitat, yet the identification of conservation corridors typically neglects processes of...
Read moreUngulates have reached such high densities in some natural ecosystems that culling is frequently used to reduce their impacts on vegetation. However, ...
Read moreThe honeybee Apis mellifera is currently in decline worldwide because of the combined impacts of Colony Collapse Disorder and the Varroa destructor mi...
Read moreInsect pests in agricultural systems are one of the major causes of damage to crop production and storage worldwide. However, the study of the effect ...
Read moreThe interactions between mitigation and adaptation to climate change are particularly evident in agriculture, forestry and other activities based on l...
Read morecf. FA 31 No. 601.] Seedlings of P. radiata, from autumn sowings at Rotorua, New Zealand, were undercut in Dec. and then wrenched weekly (W/1), fortni...
Read moreIn southwestern US forests, the combined impact of climate change and increased fuel loads due to more than a century of human-caused fire exclusion i...
Read moreMany savannas are experiencing increased cover of trees and shrubs, resulting in reduced herbaceous productivity, shifts in savanna functional structu...
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