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Intensifying agricultural production in sustainable ways is pivotal to increasing food production while reducing environmental impacts. Ecological int...
Read moreUnderstanding how biodiversity responds to intensifying agriculture is critical to mitigating the trade-offs between them. These trade-offs are partic...
Read moreThe enrichment of deadwood is essential for the conservation of saproxylic biodiversity in managed forests. However, existing strategies focus on a co...
Read moreRate setting procedures for United States crop yield and revenue insurance contracts employ methods that presume correlations to be state invariant. W...
Read moreFarmland diversification practices are increasingly adopted to help reverse biodiversity declines in agroecosystems. However, evidence for the effecti...
Read moreEnvironmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has revolutionized biomonitoring in both marine and freshwater ecosystems. However, for semi-aquatic and terres...
Read moreThe invasive Asian golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei is continuously expanding through South America, altering aquatic ecosystem structure and functio...
Read moreLarge increases in the generation of electricity using marine renewable energy (MRE) are planned, and assessment of the environmental impacts of novel...
Read moreAreas dedicated to shrimp aquaculture have increased dramatically over the last 50 years. Resultant land-use changes directly threaten the extent of m...
Read moreFor most ecological assemblages, compiling complete inventories of species is difficult, if not impossible. Various methods have been developed to est...
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