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Leptocorisa oratorius, which feeds on the panicle of rice, is a major target for insecticide applications by farmers in Indonesia. The management of t...
Read moreRestoration of depressional wetlands in mid-continental North America typically involves reflooding formerly drained basins. There have been several t...
Read moreCattle urine, labelled with 15N urea, was applied in August 1987 at a rate equivalent to 74 g N/m2 to a series of confined microplots, at Hurley, UK, ...
Read moreClimate change generally contributes to new and escalating crop pests and diseases, and their intractable management scenarios. Pest Smart, a package ...
Read moreField surveys of egg populations of Cryptophlebia leucotreta and the egg parasitoid Trichogrammatoidea cryptophlebiae native to southern Africa, were ...
Read moreA model for the population growth of Sitophilus oryzae was modified to include new data on variable developmental period, to improve computational eff...
Read moreEstimated levels of larval parasitism of Mythimna separata, a pest of pasture and cereal crops in New Zealand, before and after the introduction of th...
Read moreAcross the globe, there are millions of in-stream structures that fragment the world's river networks, acting as barriers that can impede the movement...
Read moreTidally energetic habitats are used by a range of marine mammals, including pinnipeds. These areas are also important to the tidal energy industry, le...
Read moreHighly fecund invaders and size-selective suppression efforts often limit the effectiveness of invasive species control programs, as compensatory proc...
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