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The indicator qualities of terrestrial invertebrates are widely recognized in the context of detecting ecological change associated with human land us...
Read moreWildlife translocation is an important conservation tool for restoring species and reducing global biodiversity decline; however, this practice is cha...
Read moreGreat bustards (Otis tarda) are globally endangered and 50% of the world population now occurs in agro-steppe habitats in Spain. An understanding of t...
Read moreSilvopastoral systems have great potential for forming multifunctional landscapes that provide a range of economic and environmental benefits to pasto...
Read moreDuring the "decade on restoration", we must understand how to reliably re-establish native plant populations. When establishing populations through se...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectioncaThis link goes to a English section There is growing interest in co-developing research projects that more full...
Read moreAnaitis efformata [Aplocera efformata], a potential biological control agent for St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) in south-eastern Australia, wa...
Read moreLife tables for Anaitis efformata [Aplocera efformata], a potential control agent for St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), were obtained by followi...
Read moreTo predict the long-term epidemiological consequences of onchocerciasis vector control an entomological index is needed which is independent of parasi...
Read moreDespite covering a relatively small area on a global scale, estuarine tidal flats are vital to many aquatic bird species during much of the yearly cyc...
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