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This presentation gives detail on how APIENs (Air Pollution Impacts on Ecosystem Networks) monitors the reporting of the negative impacts of air pollu...
Read moreEffects of burning and turf-cutting treatments on the productivity of Calluna vulgaris heathlands were studied for a climatologically dry site (Strabr...
Read moreThis chapter focuses on the establishment and management of even-aged commercial teak plantations, across Asia/Oceania, Africa, and Latin America, aim...
Read moreThis paper assessed the changes in nature's contributions to people (NCP) associated with spontaneous forest regrowth, including both forest expansion...
Read moreEarthworms were sampled by hand-sorting at 14 localities in and near the Beheira Province. Soil was analysed for water content, texture, pH, total sol...
Read moreThis report reviews information on drought characteristics and management in the Caribbean region, identifies the relevant national and regional agenc...
Read moreIn many regions of the world, sustainable and reliable delivery of water services has become increasingly complex and problematic. Complexities that a...
Read moreWater is life: it is integral to human food security and nutrition, and it is the lifeblood of ecosystems upon which all humans depend. Safe drinking ...
Read moreThe British Ecological Society (BES) is the world's oldest ecological society, founded in 1913, with over 5,000 members. As an independent, authoritat...
Read moreThis publication presents guidelines on how to integrate sustainable natural resource management into the Medium-Term Development Plans of local autho...
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