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Lions (Panthera leo) are declining across their range, mainly due to human-induced habitat fragmentation and prey depletion. However, the South Africa...
Read morePopulation declines of vultures of the genus Gyps in the Indian Subcontinent in the 1990s and 2000s were among the most rapid global population declin...
Read moreNatural colonisation could provide a cost-effective means to increase woodland coverage across the UK uplands. However, there is a shortage of evidenc...
Read moreIllegal bushmeat trade is a significant driver of the decline in wildlife populations within the tropics. Despite the intense trade of bushmeat in Cam...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectiondeThis link goes to a Deutsche section Regular assessment of reintroduced populations is essential to guide manag...
Read moreTiger (Panthera tigris) is an indicator species of ecological health and conservation efforts. Due to poaching and other causes, the tiger became loca...
Read moreHabitat restoration at a landscape scale is key to reversing the loss of biodiversity arising from habitat destruction. In landscapes that are intensi...
Read moreThese annexes to the report on assessing the impact of Scotland's Agricultural Reform Programme (ARP) measures on biodiversity include: (a) the detail...
Read moreThe Scottish Government is reforming the way that farming and food production is supported in Scotland. Financial support for farmers and crofters is ...
Read moreThis research, carried out in two phases, is a response to questions raised regarding the validity of surveys based on artificial nest boxes, position...
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