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Cacao has been grown on a large scale round Popondetta in the Northern District of Papua New Guinea since 1958. Pest problems were present in the area...
Read moreThe widespread provision of livestock drinking water in previously dry Australian rangelands has supported concomitant increases in cumulative grazing...
Read moreChanges in farming practice provide an opportunity to restore once extensive forested wetlands on agricultural land. In some parts of the world, howev...
Read moreNitrogen (N) loss from agricultural fields and urban areas to stream and groundwaters is a world-wide environmental problem. Excessive nitrogen loadin...
Read moreIncreasing concern over the environmental impact of agriculture in Europe has led to the introduction of agri-environment schemes. These schemes compe...
Read moreAgricultural developments over recent decades have had significant negative effects on wildlife. Modern European agriculture faces many further develo...
Read moreAgricultural intensification is perceived to be a major cause of the decline in many European bat populations. Because organic farming prohibits the u...
Read moreThere is growing concern that the intensification of agriculture within southern Ireland is having detrimental effects on Irish fauna through habitat ...
Read moreChemical effects on organisms are typically assessed using individual-level endpoints or sometimes population growth rate (PGR), but such measurements...
Read moreRiparian trees regulate aquatic ecosystem processes, such as inputs of light, organic matter and nutrients, that can be altered dramatically when thes...
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