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Understanding spatial structure and identifying subpopulations are critical for estimating population growth rates and extinction risk, and as such es...
Read moreHuman disturbance of natural habitats has increasingly promoted hybridization between previously isolated species. Coffee trees (Coffea canephora, C. ...
Read moreIdentifying the mechanisms that facilitate invasion is crucial for the design of preventative measures and understanding the invasion process, but not...
Read moreFor most ecologists, detection probability (p) is a nuisance variable that must be modelled to estimate the state variable of interest (i.e. survival,...
Read moreThe detrimental impacts of invasive, non-native species on islands are widely acknowledged and it is often best to act rapidly against such species, e...
Read moreManaging populations of predators and their prey to achieve conservation or resource management goals is usually technically challenging and frequentl...
Read moreRecently habitat degradation, road construction and traffic have all increased with human populations, to the detriment of aquatic habitats and specie...
Read moreColonization by woody plants is often very slow or absent on grasslands occupying degraded land in the tropics. Seed dispersal limitation is widely re...
Read moreThe ability of animals to move through a landscape is a fundamental determinant of population persistence in fragmented habitats. This movement can be...
Read moreOverexploited fisheries threaten many species that depend on the exploited resource. Shorebird populations are in decline globally and here we describ...
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