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The plant community in roadside right-of-ways is an important component of transportation infrastructure. Revegetation after construction is an opport...
Read moreUrban stormwater management ponds (SWMPs) are widely employed for stormwater control, but knowledge about their contributions to urban ecosystem funct...
Read moreConservation translocations are an important tool for combating species declines and population losses. Species distribution models (SDMs) can facilit...
Read moreA survey was conducted to determine the distribution and population size estimates of beavers (Castor fiber) along the Rivers Exe and Taw, UK, in Febr...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionswThis link goes to a English section Conflict between humans and elephants is one of the more complex examples o...
Read moreDespite growing concern about climate change, there remains a significant gap between individuals' environmental concern and their actual behaviour. H...
Read moreTibetan Buddhist monasteries are widely distributed throughout the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and are significant locations for human-wildlife coexistence....
Read moreThe spatial expansion of human populations has increased the overlap between humans and wildlife, leading to the greater tolerance of many wildlife sp...
Read moreGiven the ongoing environmental degradation from local to global scales, it is fundamental to develop more efficient means of gathering data on specie...
Read moreOne approach for measuring the potential biodiversity in new urban construction projects is through ecological models that predict how wildlife will r...
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