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Located between Mozambique and Madagascar, the Union of the Comoros is one of the most poor countries of the world. Its very high dependence on the ag...
Read moreThe unpredictability of crop yields in climate vulnerable regions is damaging in many ways, negatively impacting food security as well as imports, exp...
Read moreMore than a quarter of the world's carnivores are threatened, often due to multiple and complex causes. Considerable research efforts are devoted to r...
Read moreThe world's coral reefs are under threat as climate change causes increases in frequency and severity of acute thermal stress. This is compounded by c...
Read moreIt is well known that climate change alters abiotic factors (temperature and water availability) that directly affect ecosystem properties. However, l...
Read moreA study was carried out to quantify the effects of a warmer winter climate on the egg mortality (and, consequently, the risk of an outbreak) of Epirri...
Read moreThe frequency of natural disasters, especially storms and floods, has been increasing globally over the last several decades. Developing countries are...
Read moreClimate change and human activities are transforming river flows globally, with potentially large consequences for freshwater life. To help inform wat...
Read moreThe combined effects of climate change and other factors, such as land-use change or fire disturbance, pose daunting challenges for biodiversity conse...
Read moreWithin the UK conservation community, the most widely quoted sets of adaptation principles are those produced for the UK Biodiversity Partnership and ...
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