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Mitigating climate change is an urgent challenge for society. Increasing carbon storage in forests, which cover more than 30% of the global land surfa...
Read moreUnderstanding ecosystem service change necessitates an understanding of the social and ecological dimensions of ecosystem services and how they contri...
Read moreThe development of ecological networks could enhance the ability of species to disperse across fragmented landscapes and could mitigate against the ne...
Read moreDesigning conservation interventions for rare species can be hindered by a lack of relevant data. Local ecological knowledge (LEK) has potential to pr...
Read moreThey can influence attitudes (i.e. positive or negative evaluations of objects), and they are involved in decision-making processes. In the context of...
Read moreModern humans widely shaped present ecosystems through intentional and unintentional geographical redistribution of wildlife, both in historical and p...
Read moreExisting research on the social and cultural (S&C) values of treescapes tends to be limited in scope, for example to recreation, aesthetic or heal...
Read moreSevere droughts can lead to fires that cause massive tree mortality in even the wettest and most isolated Amazonian forests. After repeated fires, bla...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionmiThis link goes to a English section Conservation management decisions are challenging due to multiple, competin...
Read moreThe beaver (Castor fiber) reintroduction which started in Scotland, UK, in 2008 was studied to understand if and how the reintroduction developed into...
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