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Saltmarshes are increasingly recognised for the range of benefits they offer, including coastal protection, flood regulation and carbon sequestration....
Read moreHabitat loss and degradation, overexploitation, climate change and the spread of invasive species are drastically depleting the Earth's biological div...
Read moreFreshwater ecosystems are especially vulnerable to climate change and pollution. One key challenge for aquatic toxicology is to determine and manage t...
Read moreRestoration activities aiming at increasing vegetation diversity often try to stimulate both dispersal and germination. In wetlands, dispersal and ger...
Read moreAgriculture is the most important sector of Somaliland's economy. In 2012, the sector contributed more than 40% of Somaliland's GDP - with the livesto...
Read moreAgroforestry systems are refuges for biodiversity and provide multiple ecosystem functions and services. Diverse multispecies shade tree canopies are ...
Read moreA recent drying trend that is expected to continue in the southwestern US underscores the need for site-specific and near real-time understanding of v...
Read moreThe ongoing biodiversity and climate change crises require society to adopt nature-based solutions that integrate and enhance ecosystems. To achieve s...
Read more1. Boreal forests provide numerous ecological services, including the ability to store large amounts of carbon, and are of significance to global biod...
Read moreClimate change in the Arctic is two to three times faster than anywhere else in the world. It is therefore crucial to understand the effects of weathe...
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