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This second edition of the Regional Overview of Food Insecurity in the Near East and North Africa coincides with the adoption of the sustainable devel...
Read moreThis report discusses the impacts of climate change on the UK's species and evaluates the current designation and monitoring framework for Sites of Sp...
Read moreClimate change is predicted to have a marked effect on the agricultural sector in Eastern Africa. However, there is considerable potential to adapt to...
Read moreIn this paper, we examine the gender-specific effects of climate variability using household level data from rural Ethiopia. In particular, this paper...
Read moreLodwar town in Turkana County faces water security issues relating to its strategic location, (semi-)arid climate, hydroclimatic variability, high pov...
Read moreResearch suggests that gender equity is a critical factor in the adoption of climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices. If gender is not explicitly c...
Read moreWhen it comes to fighting climate change, cutting back on fossil fuels is not enough. It has become clear that without urgent changes to land manageme...
Read moreExtreme climate events can undermine agricultural and rural development progress in Africa. In an era of more frequent and more extreme weather events...
Read moreThe atmospheric concentration of CO2 is steadily increasing and causing climate change. To achieve the Paris 1.5 or 2°C target, negative emission tech...
Read moreIn mountains, grasslands managed for livestock production sustain local economies, culture and identity. However, their future fodder production is hi...
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