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In many places in Europe, trees are currently far below their theoretical altitudinal limit because of past land use. However, under the current crisi...
Read moreA field experiment conducted from 1988-95 in western Montana, USA, compared the effects of herbicide treatments (picloram, clopyralid and clopyralid +...
Read moreThis paper analyzes the factors affecting adoption of sustainable land management and climate smart agricultural (SLM-CSA) practices (in particular tr...
Read moreBurning of slash (woody debris) piles resulting from the harvest of fuel wood is a common management technique designed to reduce fire risk and increa...
Read moreThe obligate symbiosis formed between ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) and roots of tree species in the Pinaceae influences nutrient uptake and surrounding...
Read moreAlthough phytophagous insects can vary genetically in host use and exhibit long-range movements, the combined implications of these phenomena for pest...
Read moreWildland fires in the contiguous United States (CONUS) have increased in size and severity, but much remains unclear about the impact of fire size and...
Read moreResource availability and natural enemies are among the most commonly cited mechanisms affecting competitive ability of invasive plants, but their sim...
Read moreA native Montana grassland was exposed to 3-monthly median SO2 concentrations (52, 131 and 228 mu g/m3) and to N, S and N + S fertilization. Leaf area...
Read moreTreeless mountainous areas at high altitudes have increased in value as wildlife habitat, but they are affected and increasingly threatened by ski-res...
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