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Woodfuel extraction from established woods and forests is promoted in Western Europe as a renewable energy source. Woodfuel management is mainly carri...
Read moreCoastal communities and their landscapes are subject to constant change, and today face new challenges as a result of climate change and the sustainab...
Read moreKey to the long-term resilience of dryland ecosystems is the recovery of foundation plant species following disturbance. In ecosystems with high inter...
Read moreThe brown locust Locustana pardalina is a major agricultural pest in southern Africa, with populations periodically reaching plague proportions. Manag...
Read moreHedgerows provide habitat, shelter and resources for many species including functionally important taxa and threatened species. Hedgerows store carbon...
Read moreThe Brazilian Cerrado, the most biodiverse savanna globally with great importance for water and carbon conservation, faces the impacts of rapid and ex...
Read moreThe impacts of anthropogenic climate change will be most dramatic for species that live in narrow thermal niches, such as reptiles. Given the imminent...
Read moreThis working paper presents the results of the mapping of actors and of agroclimatic information needs in pilot sites in Colombia for two annual crops...
Read moreLarge-scale insect outbreaks provide an ideal system to examine the cascade of ecological effects of disturbance regimes across forested landscapes. A...
Read moreAnthropogenic activities and climate change are affecting marine ecosystems world-wide, but systematic biodiversity assessments through periodic biomo...
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