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This is a report to Natural England (NE) about the biological records for maerl held in the Seasearch database. The overarching intention is to explor...
Read moreThis report provides insights into the status of UK seagrass meadows, particularly focusing on nutrient content in Zostera noltii and its implications...
Read moreThe European smelt, Osmerus eperlanus is a small anadromous fish which largely occupies coastal and brackish waters and moves into freshwater for spaw...
Read moreThis work focuses on assessing the impact of conservation grazing on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, particularly methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O...
Read moreThis report is an assessment of the environmental and ecological conditions within the Lands End and Cape Bank Special Area of Conservation (SAC), par...
Read moreThe Children's People and Nature Survey (CPaNS) is a social survey that collects information from children and young people (CYP) aged 8-15 years on t...
Read moreHuman-nature connection (HNC) is a concept derived from investigating the formulation and extent of an individual's identification with the natural wo...
Read moreInvasive alien species are one of the major threats to global biodiversity, ecosystem integrity, nature's contributions to people and human health. Wh...
Read moreNutrient-rich waters along the Pacific coast of North America support diverse fish communities that have helped sustain coastal peoples for millennia....
Read moreUnderstanding the nature-culture entanglement by combining the methods of natural sciences and humanities is little approached in neither of the field...
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