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Showing 159 results
In conservation decision-making, it is important to have information not only on the likely effectiveness of conservation actions, but also on the cor...
Read moreContainment can be a viable strategy for managing invasive plants, but it is not always cheaper than eradication. In many cases, converting a failed e...
Read moreEucalyptus short rotation woody crops (SRWC) with superior genotypes are promising in central and south Florida due to their fast growth, freeze resil...
Read moreSize is a basic attribute of any population but it is often difficult to estimate, especially if the species under investigation is rare or cryptic. F...
Read moreEradication of introduced rodents on islands is increasingly implemented as a conservation tool. Aerial baiting, currently the main eradication techni...
Read moreAccurate and precise estimates of abundance are required for the development of management regimes for deer populations. In woodland areas, indirect d...
Read moreAccurate and precise assessment of population density plays a critical role in effective wildlife management, but reliable estimates are often difficu...
Read moreAs long as high resolution landscape data are more expensive than low resolution data, there needs to be some form of cost-benefit analysis to inform ...
Read moreAssessing the impacts of disturbance over large areas and long time periods is crucial for nature management, but also challenging since impacts depen...
Read moreThe steep upward-rising damage trend incurred by natural hazard risk as a result of climate change is already inflating economic losses in agriculture...
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