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Criteria for selecting sites are described and the various sampling, rearing and identification techniques used to investigate field populations of Si...
Read moreThe value of the density dependent term c in the equation M=aLc relating the number of maturing females (M) of Boophilus microplus (Can.) to the numbe...
Read moreThe performance of three control methods for Boophilus microplus (Can.) in Australia, acaricides, pasture spelling and tick resistant cattle, was asse...
Read moreTwelve-year old cv. Valencia orange trees were subjected to a single water stress, under field conditions at Tacna, Arizona, inducing leaf water poten...
Read moreAtrazine-resistant or -susceptible biotypes of Senecio vulgaris and Amaranthus retroflexus were compared with regard to DM production, resource alloca...
Read moreTen species of Umbelliferae were examined with regard to the time of year at which seedlings emerged and the survival of seeds in cultivated soil. The...
Read moreOn flat bog with deep peat where heather (Calluna vulgaris), the principal food of the birds, was scarce application of superphosphate, or ground mine...
Read moreAt two localities in northwest England that had recently been inundated by the sea, the decline in the density, biomass and species spectrum of Lumbri...
Read moreAmmonium-oxidizing bacteria (Nitrosolobus sp.) were counted every 2 days for 28 days in the top 5 cm of a soil at Rothamsted. The population density f...
Read moreThe rate of increase of Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei, in the stands grown in small field plots, was directly related to the proportion of barley in...
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