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A model, incorporating resistances to water vapour transport, was developed to account for controls on grassland evaporation in S. Tablelands region o...
Read moreA model is postulated to describe biomass dynamics in pastures that are grazed continuously throughout a limited growing season. It assumes that: rate...
Read moreField and laboratory trials were conducted in southern England to study the effects of seeding density and row spacing of oats on colonisation of seed...
Read moreIntact profiles of soil from a field in UK that had been direct-drilled for 5 years and from the same soil that had been regularly ploughed were steri...
Read moreThe influence of adults of Coccinella californica Mannh. on the spread of a plant virus (bean yellow mosaic virus) transmitted by Acyrthosiphon pisum ...
Read moreA comprehensive set of demographic values measured under partly controlled conditions for an inbred Australian strain of Cydia pomonella (L.) is prese...
Read moreSix methods were used in attempts to estimate the numbers and age structure of populations of Glossina morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Aust. in the...
Read moreIn Rhodesia, studies were made of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Aust. captured from stationary sources of ox odour (electric t...
Read moreMeasurements were made of the diurnal changes in the leaf water potential of flag leaves of winter-sown and spring-sown wheat in 3 different yr, and o...
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